About me

Hi, I’m Sam! I want to help you unlock the true potential of your food business & turn your dreams into reality.

I have worked with hundreds of artisan producers to help them create a better business from their passion. Making something is such a special skill and when it is driven by passion, it needs the right guidance to unleash it into the business you deserve.

What drives me

Small business can give you greater freedom with the right guidance.

Meeting hundreds of artisan producers really inspires me as I hear their stories of why they do what they do. I love watching their faces light up when they discuss their journeys. Small business isn't easy, but with my help, we can build your business better and give you reminders of why you started in the first place. Let's make this journey rewarding.

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A little more about me

You need to be remarkable to stand out from the crowd

I've always done things differently. My journey in small business has been rewarding, terrifying, exciting, punishing and worth every second. I worked my ass off to build my skill set to set up me for success, but to also give others access to what I know. I have built several businesses in my time. Some great, some not so. But damn I've learned a lot along the way. I have a Bachelor of Engineering (Civil), an MBA (Marketing, Finance & Entrepreneurship) and studied at MIT's Sloan School of Business. I ran Cheese Therapy (Australia's largest online artisan cheese retailer) and created Max+Tom (artisan cheese range). I have had a successful medical device company that had distribution through 1,500 pharmacies and had a chain of 7 hair salons (I know, random!). There's loads more on top of this.

In 2022 I had the privilege of delivering a TEDx talk about why people around the World should support small artisan producers.

Some of the other recent random things I have done:

  • Swimming the English Channel (2018)
  • The 6th Australian to swim an Ice Mile (2019)
  • The first person in the World to attempt to swim the English Channel in Winter (2019)

I love trying new things and seeing what happens. My favourite saying is

"If you aint the lead dog, the scenery never changes"

I love working with people who have artisan businesses because they make our World a better place. I want to help you realise your true potential and help you build a better business for you.


Some podcast & interviews that I've done

One-on-One Coaching

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Small Business Big Marketing

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The Greatness Machine

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That Voice Podcast

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Effortless Swimming

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The Antitoxin Podcast

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Some of the recent crazy things I have done

Swimming the English Channel in 2018

I've never been a long distance swimmer but wanted to see what the journey would be like.

Swam an Ice Mile in 2019

Swimming a mile in 3.9deg water is CRAZY! This was a massive challenge that I set. It was scary.

English Channel Winter Attempt

I am the first person in the World to attempt to swim the English Channel in winter. Sometimes you just need to see what happens...

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